
Cryptocurrency is complex and difficult for young investors to understand.

The Design System

The Pebble brand was designed to be approachable and friendly. The organic nature helps negate any intimidation that might come from learning about cryptocurrency.

Pebble logo, buttons, color, and typography

Pebble logo, buttons, color, and typography

Pebble logo, buttons, color, and typography

Pebble logo, buttons, color, and typography

Pebble logo, buttons, color, and typography

Pebble logo, buttons, color, and typography

The App

New users run through an onboarding process before starting any investments. The app itself provides hints and tips along the way, explaining why an investment happened, or advise users on where to invest next.

App landing page showing server's goals, important messages, and progress towards their next raise.

The app's navigation

The server's tables and their status.

Example of an immediate need notification.

The Website

Once the user has downloaded the app, they may have questions. The website will allow users to seek help for specific issues.

Pebble website