Bob Evans

Service is slow and inaccurate because servers often get overwhelmed, forget, or mix up orders and customer concerns.

The Improved Server Workflow

  1. Servers first enter a table’s order into their provided smart device.

  2. Once the order is ready, the server is notified through smartwatch technology.

  3. The order is taken to the table.

  4. Servers use augmented reality to visualize customer wants and needs.

"The waitress never came back to the table to ask how anything was."

"The service is very slow, even in the middle of the day."

The App: Wireframes

Wireframes were created to determine key information that servers regularly enter and view during their shift.

App wireframe showing a server's tables.

App wireframe showing a table's order.

App wireframe showing status of a server's orders.

The App: Static Prototypes

The app will allow servers to record orders and view order and table status, as well as keep track of table requests.

App landing page showing server's goals, important messages, and progress towards their next raise.

The app's navigation

The server's tables and their status.

Example of an immediate need notification.

App screen showing individual tables' requests.

App screen showing an individual table's order.

App screen showing the status of server's orders.

Order input screen.

The App: Smartwatch

Servers will also have smartwatches that will alert them of key actions like an incorrect order or that an order is ready to be brought to a customer.

The Glasses

Augmented reality glasses allow servers to better understand customer needs. Each table will be color-coded based on level of need, and for each table that is kept green, the server will gain progress towards a microraise.